
22 September 2011

A Few things...

10 things that are on my mind at the moment...

1- I eat too much. My portions are huge, and this is because I am greedy and I want everything for myself.
2 - I love baking, it makes me happy.
3 - Related to the above, have you been watching Great British Bake Off?? Seriously, it my favourite program! love it.
4 - I really should get my name changed on my passport.
5 - It costs HOW MUCH to get my name changed on my passport!! Maybe that'll wait a while.
6 - I love my ombre hair, but I can't afford the upkeep. (dyeing roots and tips different colours is a hassle)
7 - I need to get on with it and dye my hair soon, my roots/grey hairs are glistening in the sunlight.
8 - Gargling with TCP is horrid, but it makes toothache lessen immensely.
9 - I am running out of moisturiser.
10 - I really love lists.

image found here
ironically, the place I got the pic is a review of the first episode, which generally rips it to tatters. Whatever, is we all liked the same it'd be a dull dull place. and I like cake. and bunting. so there. x

15 September 2011

Is anyone there??

Its been rather quiet round here of late... Well ok, yes, its been deafeningly silent.

In all truth, I don't really know why, I just haven't had the urge to write. We've not been up to much. I baked my most amazing olive bread to date. (seriously, amazing! and HUGE we ate it for lunch and dinner the day i baked it, and oh, oops, there is none left. Who needs fruit and vegetables when you have lovely bread?)

Not long after that occurrence we started P90X. That hurts. Seriously, Its a killer. But, I've lost 3lbs in my first week, and if we cancel our gym membership that's a nice chunk of cash we'll be saving. Hoorah.
Erm, what else? My lovely cousin got married (such a fun evening, drank a little too much, hurt the next morning)
The home improvements/conservatory building are on hiatus until the spring. We did however score the table we wanted from Ikea for said conservatory on Ebay for a snippet of the real price (and it was just down the road for us to go and collect) That is now sat in the corner of the living room. Its so nice having a table to eat at after so long without one! happy days. :)
Plans and progress are both being made with my buddy Leanne for a little side project we are hoping will take off. I am sure I shall share more details when we are ready.

So yeah, that's that really.
It may be quiet on here for the next few weeks while things fall into place and I get myself in a little routine, but I shall be back. and I'll be back with a spring in my step and a song in my heart. xx