
29 November 2010

Pizza pizza!! (And a new sofa!)

Tonight I came home to a ball of pizza dough that Darren had made this afternoon.
It was going to be yesterdays dinner, but I wasn't feeling too well so we decided to have a 'new sofa celebration with pizza' night! Haha.
It was L.O.V.E.L.Y! Sooo good. This may become a weekly Saturday night meal (Darrens cooking night)
I topped mine with 3 cheeses (cheddar, mozzarella & mascarpone) green peppers and chorizo. oh my word it really was wonderful, Darren was laughing at me because mine was kinda egg shaped. Who cares? it gave it character and it tasted just as good as his 'round' version! :)

We ate it on the floor because no food is allowed on the new sofa. Obvioulsy. I am so pleased with how it looks...
I was worried that the colour we chose wouldnt actually go with the paint and wallpaper we then chose. we did not take samples to check them against the sofa colour. in hindsight, doing this would have saved a lot of stress heading on my behalf.
As it is, I (*we* I guess, though I am taking full credit for the beauty of the living room!) chose exceptionally well and we have a wonderful tonal match with the wallpaper/paint/sofa.
Now we have pictures and a curtain pole to put up. a new rug, cushions and curains on order, oh yes, and we do still need to paint one wall, and the skirting, and finish the floor edging. BUT, we are best part of the way to being finished.
This makes me very happy. I cant wait to come downstairs in the morning and see out lovely, almost finished, living room!

Happy Monday

28 November 2010

Sunday Snapshot

The Rock Frog!!
My new blanket. I brought him on Friday from Ikea. (Yes from the kids section. I already have the hanging storage for when we are camping, and couldn't resist this!)
I was chilly in bed last night so he kept me warm, and upon waking this morning discovered he was throwing the horns!
Rock Frog!! Haha. It made us laugh anyway!
Happy Sunday x
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25 November 2010

I've had too much time on my hands

And I have been thinking of New Years Resolutions.

I dont normally make a new years resolution at all. I did quit smoking 5 years ago, but that was not premeditated. I just woke up New Years day and decied that was it. No more smoking.

But this year, I am going to make one, perhaps even more!

My main one however, is to just be true to myself. Stop trying to be 'cooler' or smarter or trying to be interested in things, that actually I couldnt give a shit about.
Just. Be. Me

Happy Thursday xx

23 November 2010


Another day off work sick. But I want to be a little more productive today, so I decided to wrap xmas presents and write xmas cards.

Its only 4 weeks sat until xmas. I kinda need to make a start on getting stuff sorted. Plus its not too taxing. I can lie in bed and do a little here and there as I feel like it.

Love the new wrapping paper I have this year!! I go a bit crazy over red & white/scandi style stuff at this time of year. I go a bit crazy for Xmas stuff full stop. I LOVE Xmas!
I'm not religious by any stretch of the imagination, but we had the most wonderful family times at Xmas when I was a kid, and I still love making it as magical as possible now. :)

Happy Tuesday x
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22 November 2010

*sniff* *cough*

Here are my feet, and legs, blanket covered, lying on the sofa.
Yep, I'm ill. And unfortunately I'm not much fun when I am ill. Generally I groan, and moan, and complain. I feel sorry for myself, and want someone to look after me.
I couldn't get an appointment at the doctors, and was just told if I have chest pain to go A&E! Helpful.
A day on the sofa, with daytime tv seems to be what I am faced with. *Yawn*

Hope your all having a happy Monday.
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21 November 2010

Sunday Snapshot

As predicted, its a decorating snapshot. :)
Darren is learning how to hand paper from my Dad, they are cutting round a plug socket at the moment.
Personally I am sat on the sofa (which has been shoved over in the corner) generally coughing and feeling a little sorry for myself.
I have been providing beverages and sustenance for the hard workers.

And how lush does the wallpaper look?? Love it!

Jules x
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20 November 2010

Rich tea biscuits & a bottle of lucozade

Along with a cup of tea, a dodgy laptop and Xfactor on the TV.

Thats my Saturday night. Darren is out at a wedding reception we'd been invited to, unfortunately I have felt awful all day. Hot and cold sweats, tight chest, coughing, sneezing, aching. Generally the works. Yuck.

I dont want this to be a moany post though, so on the plus side, we have started the decorating. 2 walls painted (one of them may need another coat) Dad is coming tomorrow to paper the feature wall in the living room. Next weekend we shall be painting the landing ceiling, the big wall that goes up the stairs, and the rest of the landing. AND at some point we need to do the gloss painting too!

Oh and paint the hallway, get the furniture, and put all the finishing touches together (I'd like to finish decorating the downtails WC too, but Darren told me to stop adding things to the 'to do list')

Just keep repeating to self 'it will be worth it in the long run, it will be worth it in the long run!'

And seeing as tomorrow all we'll be doing is decorating, I will not be taking bets on what the Sunday Snapshot will be about! :)

Happy Saturday x

19 November 2010

The reason I've not blogged much this week

There are a couple of reasons actually.

1: A couple of nights ago, just on the ebb of falling asleep I had a lovely idea for little blog post, I had practically wrote the whole thing out in my head and I thought it was wonderful.
Of course, as soon as I woke up the idea had vanished. I am sure it is in there somewhere, hiding in the deepest recesses of my brain, but try as I might I cannot coax it back out.
*Lesson learnt* note pad and pen needed on bedside table. I am sure most of my best ideas come to me when I am about to drop off to sleep!

2: Yesterday I had written out a post, it was all about some lovely Xmas lights I had seen on my way home and had brightened my journey significantly. All I needed to do was snap a photo on my way home, and hey presto, done.
Imaging my disappointment when turning the corner and the lights are not switched on! ohh the upset. not only was my blog post null and void (it just wouldnt be the same without the photo for you to see the glory of the lights!) but they made me happy, and they were not there.
*lesson learnt* take photos when you see things! does not matter if its a snapshot on your BB, just TAKE A PHOTO!!

and finally 3: Our laptop is knackered. I was on it all of 15 minutes last night before it started to have a tantrum and close down windows, shut the internet connection on and off, and so on.
To be fair, its had a good life. I brought it when we first moved into our house 3 and half years ago. and even then it was a cheapo refurbished jobby.
I think the time has finally come to give in and say we need something new. Now if the nice lotto fairy would just grant our wishes and have us a little cash win, that would be great. Not much, just enough to get a new laptop, a netbook would do even! perhaps enough for us to finish decorating the living room and bedroom too!? is it too much to ask? ... Probably. :)

So there, thats why I've not updated that much this week. But I have updated now, and it is the weekend at 5.30 tonight. Whoop.

Happy Friday people, Happy FRIDAY!
Jules xx

16 November 2010

Wintery treats

Today was the first morning I finally declared 'It really is wintery'

As usual Darren was already well on his way to work when I arose from under the duvet. when I had finally coaxed myself out of bed and looked out the window I was greeted by a white frosty garden and misty streets.
Great - I need to scrape the car!

and again, as usual. its not until I am halfway on my journey to work that I realise, actually its all quite beautiful. All the plants and trees covered in frost, like delicate white skeletons. (Skellingtons if you actually speak to me!) The morning light being diffused through the fog.
It was made for taking some beautiful photographs.

As it was, I was in a rush, running late for work, freezing my backside off, and, I didn't have my camera


On the plus side. I arrived home to a hot mug of tea and a jam filled fairy cake (or two)

Made by me, last night when I had an overwhelming urge to bake. I also made 2 beef an onion pies from the Sunday roast leftovers which are now in the freezer for future wintery dinners.

Happy Tuesday.
Jules x

15 November 2010

Sunday Snapshot & Weekend Update

Sunday Snapshot, which is late, again, on a Monday this time, so is combined with the weekend update.
In my defence, we had a very busy weekend. It was filled with more paint samples, shopping for wool (for my crochet extravaganza) baking bread, batch cooking pasta sauces, gym visits, boxing matches (lame, waste of £15) wine, painting & decorating and cooking roast dinner. I am knackered! Aren't weekends supposed to be relaxing?

On the plus side, I have a freezer full of pasta sauces for quick after gym dinners. and tonnes of roast beef left to make some pies and a hotpot with. I have started my scarf... which may be the longest scarf in existence! oops. And we have painted the ceiling in the living room.
sloooowly, but surely, the decorating is getting done. hoorah.

We'd eaten the bread (olive flat bread, and parmesan and red onion flat bread) before I thought to take a snapshot of them. They were by far the best ones I have baked so far. Hence them not sticking around very long before they were eaten!
And since we no longer have a warm airing cupboard to prove them in, I decided they would sit in the dishwasher after its cycle to raise. It was lovely and warm in there still and it worked a treat! Drinking wine while baking obviously leads to some wonderful ideas ;)

A couple of snapshots then, of the living room. The paint samples and doodles. and our 'decorators corner' of the living room. The paint pod is brilliant!! No cleaning, and super quick to paint as no stooping down and back up to refill your roller. So glad we brought it when we have the whole house to paint/decorate.

Happy Monday
Jules x

12 November 2010

I feel rotten.

Firstly. Apologies for the grumbling short post this will be today. Generally I just feel blurgh. You know when you just dont feel *right*?
I didnt sleep much last night from feeling rotten, and things have not improved much today. Not able to eat much before I just feel yuck, and I am super sleepy.

oh, and the aching, whether its gym induced, or manky illness induced. The aching is increasing.

Also, the paint colour I thought would be perfect, is quite frankly, not perfect. Its is in fact naff all like the colour chart said. So, do we settle for an almost colour, or do we keep on searching? hmmm. I'm not sure. Not sure at all.
I think I may take the almost colour, and paint a patch on every single wall in the room, see how it looks in the different lights. Of course I mean I shall talk Darren into painting a patch on each wall. I am obviously too ill and achey to be doing any of that sort of thing.

On the plus side. It is Friday. It is around half way through my working day, so I am on the homeward stretch. and all that is planned for the weekend are Gym visits, painting/decorating and watching the boxing on Sat night with Pizza and Beer, illness depending of course! :)

Happy (ish) Friday
Jules x

11 November 2010

Quick evening update...

I have started hurting! The aftermath from the gym session last night is finally starting to hit me. My back aches and my ribs ache, not sure what I did to make my ribs ache but there you are!

Because of my aches and pains we didn't have a 'proper' dinner, instead choosing chorizo and cheese toasties, with chips and mayo. Super stodgy, super greasy, but oh so yummy.

Jules x
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colour samples

We may end up spending a fortune on colour samples to get one that matches this wallpaper that we have chosen for the living room...
I absolutely love it!! It gives of a 70s vibe I think, and its still lovely and neutral and pale but with a striking pattern. Thankfully Darren loved it too when I showed him it! (I have to admit I love this one all the more with its gorgeous dark colours, but it just wouldn't work in our living room! but oh how beautiful it is)
However, finding a paint that matches the background colour of this wallpaper is turning into a mission in itself. Colour swatches just do not properly match the finished colour when its on the wall.

I am sure we shall get one sorted soon. Darren is off work today (being a self employed builder when the weather is so bad is not great) and is going to get a few more samples, and will be taking down the curtains, pole, pictures etc etc, and polyfilling any holes, all ready for the paint-a-thon this weekend.

oooh.... and just before I sign off. have you noticed this is not a 'argh, I ache so much' post!! I did almost keel over at the gym last night from all the extra work I had to do, but I am surprisingly un-achey today! hoorah.

Happy Thursday
Jules x

10 November 2010

Take some time and smell the flowers

A few things got me thinking this morning.
1: Not the best arrival at work, I don't appreciate being moaned at/complained to/raised voices regarding something that I have had nothing to do with. 'Good morning Julia' that would be preferable. ;)
2: This post by the lovely Elsie. (So stylish its painful!) about following your dreams.

Basically, I just want to be happy. and although things may get me down and frustrate me at the moment, I just need to take some time occasionally to remember that I am on the path to be living/working my dreams. Those dreams may evolve over time, and I may get there sooner than expected, It may take longer than expected. but just relax, enjoy the journey. To get where you want will take some work, nothing is just going to fall into your lap, all wrapped up with a pretty bow and some glitter.
But relax, lots of people have been through the same and have survived, flourished even. And worrying/stressing over what you have no control over (at this particular time) or what has not even happened yet is not going to make things any easier.

Just take some time out, and smell the flowers! (this is a super old photo i took years ago in my parents garden. You can get lost for hours photographing flowers in their garden. I love it)

On a separate note, tonight will be my first venture to the gym since having a program written for me. Prepare for an 'I ache' post tomorrow. eek.

Happy Wednesday
Jules x

9 November 2010

Weekend Update

This weekend was super busy. It seemed to be non stop, and now I have made it to Tuesday I am feeling the aftermath and just want to curl up under my duvet and sleep.

Friday night we went to our friends and went to watch the Corby town fireworks displays. I did remember to take my camera, but unfortunately it completely threw it down so I was reluctant to get the camera out and get any shots.
But, actually remembering to take it with me was an achievement in itself! (in fact on a separate note, I am finding myself increasingly excited about taking photographs again, and have feel in *love* with a new camera or two I have seen!!)

Saturday was spent mostly on my own. Hubby is playing for a new football team so he is now out for most of Saturday afternoon.
I cleaned, I tidied, I baked (lots) and I learnt to crochet.... here are my 1st and 2nd attempts. 

and last night I tried a triple crochet. Here is a snapshot from my blackberry (yes almost all of my photos are snapped on my BB at the moment!)
I'll be getting myself some wool/yarn this weekend and starting a winter scarf, and blanket. Watch this space for updates.

Sunday we had a lie in, a big cooked brunch, which was followed by my program session at the gym (which btw, they have upped everything I do and I am sure they are trying to kill me!) When we returned home we decided to set about sorting out our loft. Which was easier than imagined, but still a huuuuge job. I knew we had a lot of crap up there, but really!! There was stuff up there I am sure I had never seen before. Thankfully not one spider was found (this may have resulted in injury from me trying to fly down the loft ladder, which is next to our stairs, so possibly serious injury!) and the loft is now wonderfully arranged and decluttered, meaning we have more space to chuck up all the crap from the spare room! :D

Onwards and upwards with the house makeover!

Happy Tuesday
Jules x

7 November 2010

Sunday Snapshot

Today the morale of the story... Is to listen to your wife.

As this is what happens when she says 'don't park there, its a big muddy puddle you'll get stuck'
Ok, we didn't get stuck, but I'm not cleaning the\car!

Happy Sunday
Jules x

6 November 2010

I've been baking

Darren is playing for a new football team today, so while he is away, I have been cleaning, and baking, and learning how to crochet.

The baking consisted of Roasted pumpkin seeds. pumpkin mini muffins. pumpkin, apple, raisin, cinnamon loaf. And chorizo and onion muffins.

The pumpkin creations are in the oven still baking, they smell amazing. The chorizo muffins are yummy, they are more for Darren though. And the pumpkin seeds...
My first attempt at roast pumpkin seeds, I seasoned them with just garlic salt and black pepper. Oh my word they are delicious!! Not sure there will be any left for when Darren gets home! :)

All I need now is a super cool 50s style apron and I'm set!

Happy Saturday
Jules x

3 November 2010

Becoming Thrifitier

If 'thriftier' is even a word.

For the next 2 weeks we are buying nothing more than fresh fruit and veggies, cheese, bread that sort of thing. It'll force me to be a bit more creative with our meals, and means we shall use up things that have been lurking in the cupboards/freezer for some time.
Last night I grabbed a load of leftover veggies and made a curry for my lunch today. yum. There is enough for tomorrows lunch too.

I am going to recycle/reuse some of my old clothes. that are perhaps a little worn/need some TLC. either re-dying them, or making them into something new.

And today I decided I am going to learn to crochet. I have had some ideas whizzing around my head for a while, and rather than ask my friends to knit/crochet them for me. I am just going to learn to do them myself. I am quite excited. and I shall share the things I make, and the things I f**k up along the way! :D

There are lots of things we want to do (including seeing Kings of Leon on their tour next year, which we booked tickets for yesterday) so we need to save money every which way possible. so we can do all the lovely exciting things we want to do!
I am also hoping that the crochet may turn into another string to my bow for selling my stuff at craft fairs/carboots/online, along with any paintings/prints I do. :D

Any tips on how to be thriftier, please share xx

Happy Wednesday
Jules x

2 November 2010

Sunday's Snapshot (on a Tuesday)

On my little jaunt into town on Sunday I snapped a quick shot of the new Corby Cube that is nearing completion.
Its actually quite a beautiful building, and when its open with its theatre and coffee shop and the library I am sure I shall be visiting. It helps that it is next to the new pool of course where I go to the gym, and as it happens, its in close proximity to Primark and Costa Coffee, as well as the rest of the town center. It also has a rooftop garden, lovely for getting a book from the library and relaxing with a coffee I am sure.
Happy Tuesday
Jules x

*edit* looking online I just discovered it opened yesterday! I shall be visiting this weekend for sure.x

1 November 2010

Its dark

Its 16.55 and its dark.

Not middle of the night dark. But its definitely darker than it was. Changing the clocks sucks, I have around 5months of longing for lighter evenings.

This winter I vow to spend as much time as I can outside in the daylight hours.

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Pumpkin Carving

Here are some photos* from our pumpkin carving party at my parents last night.
*Taken by both me and my sister.

Neither my Dad and Husband had carved a pumpkin before, and were both quite enthusiastic (though from the photos you wouldn't think so. Husband Chap doesn't look exactly enthralled!) The pumpkins were HUGE, expertly grown by my Sister, but she let the 3 of us do the carving.

Quite pleased with how they turned out, Mine was the 'evil' looking one. Dads was the one with the perfectly round nose! (he used his drill, and got pumpkin juice and flesh up the wall in the process) and The Husband Chap made Sponge Bob Pumpkin Pants. I love how they all look together in the garden.  & we are already making plans for next years pumpkin growing and carving extravaganza!

(and so much flesh and so many seeds, I think they may keep us fed most of winter!)

Happy Monday
Jules x