
31 January 2011

5-12yrs!! Nope. 26-30 more like!

Last night, when technically we should have been getting an early night, what with work the next morning, and especially with Darrens first day on a new job, we may have got distracted and opened the Lego my Dad brought us for Xmas. Ages 5 - 12yrs it says on the box. Pah. what do they know! ;)
I'm not sure it would have been possible for a 5yr old to make them anyway, it was really fiddly. I dont remember lego having so many small bits and moving parts!... So cool though! haha. It was a Lego City Police truck. and there is a little like entry gate/security building, and a poilce bike.

The little camera and satelite dish on top move! and the barrier. ok you have to move them yourself. But still. they move! the Truck was even more impressive. Ariels, moving sides, a removable prison cell type looking thing. Our kids are so gonna have a room full of lego. Its great making the things and then being able to play with them. But the best is when you just have a random box of bits and you make stuff up yourself. I couldnt even try to recall the amount of times I invented houses, and castles and odd looking cars.

Only got one bad guy in the whole set though. One bad guy and 3 coppers! Not good odds for the little stripey shirted guy eh.
The other stuff they do looks awesome too. the train stuff you can get and build actually works and goes round a track. there is a port, and an firestation and an airport... ooOOoOoOoooo

Anyhow, We went bed late, I slept badly, Darren slept fine. And his first day at his new job seems to have gone well. It was an induction day today, lots of thoroughly exciting health and saftey videos by the sounds of things. Fingers crossed all goes well on his training tomrrow too.
Definitely need an early night tonight though. I could fall asleep now. Goodnight

30 January 2011

Sunday Snapshot

This afternoon we went for a lovely pub lunch with our good friends Mary and Jimmy at The Priory in Wellingborough.
Mary. Me. James
It was an absolute bitch to park, but the food was nice. In hindsight really wish I'd taken a snap of the 'tower burgers' Jim and Darren ordered. Never seen anything like it! 4 burgers, cheese, bacon and onion rings all in the one bun!! Me and Mary on the other hand had chicken. :)

29 January 2011

Just found bloglovin...

and I am lovin' it! :D

<a href="">Follow my blog with bloglovin</a>

Good afternoon.

Now I know I don't normally update on a Saturday, but seeing as its been a few days, and I've not updated that much this week I thought I'd make an exception.

Darren starts his job on Monday as a postman. I'm a bit nervous for him. I hope he enjoys it and gets on well. He's looking forward to learning something new.
He is aparently already on the rota for next week so I am going to have to get used to him working Saturdays. Not just working in fact, but being out all day! He'll go straight from work to playing football in the afternoon so I wont see him until 5pm-ish.
He shall get a day off in the week instead, but when I work monday-friday it still means we'll see less of each other.
I am planning on making the most of my Saturdays by getting up early (not as early as him mind!) and going to the gym for a work out. Having some nice brunch and perhaps a bit of a pamper when I am home. Then the afternoon I am going to spend studying, working on my blog and shop (no excuses now on not having the time!) and perhaps a bit of gardening!

We'll just have to start making the most of Sundays together. :)

Today we went gym, poped into town (We have a curtain pole!! its the correct size and everything!) I brought a lovely red check shirt. I'm planning on wearing it tomorrow when we go out for lunch with our friends Mary and Jimmy. At the moment I'm lounged out on the sofa, with a cup of tea, funsize pack of malteasers and the furry blanket. Diagnosis Murder is on the TV. (love that show!) Darren is out at footy, in his own car (hoorah) and any moment now I need to get up, do some washing and get ready to go my parents for dinner tonight.

They have been briefed on Slimming World. So hopefully my Mum has listened, has not brought fresh bread or dessert and I'll not have to 'run the gauntlet'! :)
I lost nothing this week. But I also didnt gain, and after the weekend at TGI's enjoying cajun shrimp, chicken, steak, chips and Jack Daniels sauce. Then followed by sweets at the cinema (not as many as I would normally have though!) Maintaining this week was great.
I am ficussed this week though. upping my exercise, I've been slack the past couple of weeks. and really concentrating on what I am eating, which reminds me. I need to do our meal plan for the week.

Hope you all have lovely weekends.

26 January 2011

Scary and yet empowering!

This evening myself and Darren decided to chop up our credit cards. *snip snip* Into lots of tiny gold coloured pieces.

Having them at our disposal all the time is just too easy to use them and have 'spare' money on demand. But its not your money! So they had to go.

It was a bit scary 'what if there is an emergency' 'what if we just leave them at home' etc.
If there is an emergency we'll work something out! We'll survive without them.
And with them, I don't know that we'd ever properly get off our backsides and start saving.

For us 2011 was always going to be about us getting our shit together. Paying off any debts and prioritising what's important to us.
And that top in Primark I like, or the PS3 magazine hubby might want to read, or whatever. They are not really important. And if they are. Fine. We'll put a bit aside next week and go back and buy them then! Ok they might only be small things, but the small things add up.

And when we are back with our shit in order again (and Darren having a regular wage will help that no end!) We can ease up on those purse strings a bit.
But for the time being, we are reigning it in and concentrating on the stuff that needs sorting. :)

Ooh. While I am on the saving money bandwagon... If anyone happens to have any unwanted mustard yellow or navy blue clothes dye they no longer want, I'll gladly take it off your hands. I have an old dress that I want to give a new lease of life to! :)

Happy Wednesday.
Goodnight xx
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25 January 2011

Update & Birthday Wishes!

Good Morning.
So I haven't been writing much lately. I guess its because I don't really have much to say. Not much exciting is going on. Darren starts his new job next Monday, we are *still* trying to get ourselves in gear and get the living room finally finished. and I am still plodding along at work and with my weight loss.

and to be honest all I really want to do is curl up in a ball and sleep! making it this far through winter before feeling like this is somewhat of a success. But I am physically yearning for spring now. I want to see the little flowers start to wake up, I want lighter evenings and lighter mornings too for that matter. Leaves and blossom on the trees. Warmer weather. Camping with friends. eating outdoors.... generally all the loveliness spring brings. :)

Anywhooo. Spring is on its way (I know this. I've seen bunny rabbits!) and no amount of longing will bring it here any sooner. Just need to get my backside in gear. remotivate myself and start moving with things.

Today, as it happens is also my Lovely friend Leannes birthday.
At the weekend we went TGIs for food and then to the cinema to see The Green Hornet 3D. which was alright. not the most incredible piece of cinematic creations I have ever seen. but still alright. and mucho funny in places.
I must point out that this is an old photo, but the only one I could find at the moment of us... and as it happens Its a pic from when we were at the cinema watching 3D movie before. Really old pic. a year or more this was taken I think.
Just realised don't seem to have many photos of me and Leanne together. probably because its always one of us behind the camera lens! Here is one of her and her chap Ed from our wedding! :D
Don't they look lovely! :D


(and Happy Burns night too everyone)

23 January 2011

Sunday Snapshot

Yep. We still have no curtains! Today we discovered the curtain pole is a touch too short.
It fits. But means the curtain will permanently hang partly in front of the door. Not ideal. So next weekend we are going new curtain pole shopping and we WILL have some curtains! (Pretty please, with sugar and cherries on top, please let us get some curtains up!!)
Other than that, its been quite a relaxed and enjoyable day. :)

Oh and too short curtain pole will not go to waste. It was originally planned for the bedroom anyway! :) x
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21 January 2011

I'm back!!

So I've finally motivated my lardy arse to update my blog this week. I'm not really sure what happened, I don't think I was overly busy, but there is no denying that its Friday night at 8.45pm and I am knackered!

Where to start, I really can't remember anything particually exciting happening. I sometimes update on my lunchbreak at work, but this week has been decidedly busy. My evenings have been spent at the gym, or fat club. oh and excitingly... cleaning.

We did not, as planned, get the living room finished last weekend. We did go to Ikea and get a lovely new lamp and ceiling light, along with a few other items. The house was (still is!) a complete mess. Looks like there has been a bloody good party, but if there was, I certainly was not invited.
Anyway. The *new* plan is to get it done this weekend. (along with TGIs for food, and then cinema with the Bears for Leannes b-day & Darren at football Saturday afternoon. We have Sunday 'free' though)

Today Darren was given his start date for his new job as a postman. :) happy days. Its nice knowing whats happening and when. hopefully he'll get on well and enjoy it. I am excited for him.
He has expressed a desire to learn hot to cook better! He'll be working early and home earlier than he is now, so instead of waiting for me to get home and do dinner he announced he wants to learn to cook more so he can get dinner ready for me occasionally! We have very differnt cooking styles. I'm a throw it in and see how it turns out kinda cook. where as Darren likes to stick to a recipe.
We've discussed him doing the odd guest post on here for recipies he has tried and we liked. We shall see how things pan out, but I think that could be fun. They will mostly all be Slimming World recipes. or healthy ones anyway.

Speaking of which. I lost 2lbs last night! :) Thats 5lbs so far in total. and I am really enjoying it. Hopefully I have finally found the diet that works for me. woo-hoo.

Well I am going to make myself a coffee (decaf at this time of night) and head up the wooden hill to bed. I promise I shall try harder and be a good little blogger next week! :)

Happy Friday all. Goodnight.

16 January 2011

Sunday Snapshot

This morning when on our journey to Ikea we detoured to Market Harborough so we could return my slippers (the ones I adored, and lovely hubby brought me for Xmas, but they were too small *sob*)
They didn't have the size I wanted, and Darren had left his card at home, so I now have a giftcard to treat myself with at some point.

Anyway. We *might* have walked past New Look. I *might* have suggested we go in and I *might* have ended up buying this mustard yellow jacket. ;)
It is lovely though don't you think (and it was in the sale, so I actually saved £20!)

Haaaappy Sunday! xx

13 January 2011

Weigh in result

I lost 3lbs!

Hoorah! :) hoping for a good week to follow too. I am definitely finding Slimming World easier than Weight Watchers so far. Not having to weigh and measure absolutely everything is great. I'd get so frustrated having to do that all the time.

Also, 3lbs meant I dropped a stone bracket! :)

Anyway. Bedtime now. Goodnight
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12 January 2011

Yesterday was a good day!

It was quite a busy day yesterday and I was in bed at about 8.30pm exhausted and watching Biggest Loser (USA Couples version, incase you were wondering!)

I finished work at 3 after working my lunch and taking a couple of hours as holiday. I'd had an email in the morning to say our curtains had arrived for collection, so I nipped to collect those, and had a little browse around the shop at the same time. A cushion, set of cutlery, vase and friends b-day present later I left the shop (I am not spending any more this month I promise!) and tootled on home.
Where I then sprung into action packing away washing, having a clean and tidy of the living room. sorting out the dishwasher and having a clean and tidy of the kitchen too.

I love having a tidy home, its so relaxing and it makes me so happy! We are not particularly good at keeping on top of housework, and it may seem a strange use of some holiday time off work but it was so wonderful walking into a tidy kitchen and living room it was definitely worth it.

When Darren got home he had the wonderful news that he had received a call from the Recruitment office offering him a job. hoorah! They are going to call him again in a couple of weeks to arrange a start date.
*dances* So happy its unreal. 2011 is starting out well it seems!

After all that I cooked dinner, which wasnt what we'd planned as I realised we had no potatoes... oops. So instead I threw together a veggy curry which turned out wonderfully, and I left Darren playing Black Ops while I went up to bed. (Where I had a few blog ideas whooshing about in my head, but I need to work somethings out before I implement any of them!)

OK, so it doesnt sound like a particularly exciting day, but I fell asleep feeling decidedly good. and that can't be a bad thing by anyones standard!

Half way through the working week people! Happy Wednesday xx

11 January 2011

Resolutions - a small update

I've made good progress so far with the diet and exercise aspect of my resolutions. I shall post on fridays a Weigh In update from my Thursday night meeting results.
*fingers and toes all crossed*

The weekends task (other than to take back the slippers that were too small for me *sob*) is to finally finish the living room! The curtains have arrived, so just putting them up, finishing the flooring edging, a little bit of painting and some cleaning and tidying and hey presto. Room makeover #1 will be compete! :)

I shall share photos next week when its all complete and I've had time to write about it properly! :)

My task right now... To drag myself out of bed and get ready for work!

Happy Tuesday x
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9 January 2011

Sunday Snapshot

Hoorah. Sunday snapshot is back!

This afternoon we popped shopping (after a morning filled with going to the gym and watching Wall-E) pretty much we just needed to go into Next to take a cushion back. But while we were there we popped into The Range to look for some espresso cups.

I admit I was distracted by the 50% off Christmas decorations sign, so we detoured. and then we found the hat section.....
I might have brought the white furry hunter hat that I tried on. Darren did not buy the bear hat.
We also brought some mixed herbs, dried chillies and a set of scales, we did not get any espresso cups!

Hope you have all had wonderful weekends.
Happy Sunday x

7 January 2011

Another Resolution

Just remembered one more resolution that I really should make this year.

I am going to learn how to ride a bike.

Happy friday x
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6 January 2011

Today could change our lives!

It actually really could.

Darren had a job interview this morning. It seems to have gone well, so just keeping fingers and toes crossed to hear something positive back.
Its to be a postman. A temporary role, 3months. Which could then lead to a permanent position. He should be perfect for it. He loves being busy and doing physical work. He's strong, and isn't bothered by early mornings! (GIVE HIM THE JOB!! Haha) of course in my eyes he'd perfect for just about everything. ;D

And for me. Well I joined Slimming World tonight. I'm laying in bed right now, reading all the info I've been given, and catching up on Come Dine With Me! :)
I am feeling really motivated, and I am really really hoping that this is the year I work out how to eat, enjoy food and be healthy!

Unfortunately Darren just got home and his car broke down at football. Bugger. Ahh well. Not going to let it get me down. I'll just beat him black and blue tomorrow ;)

Goodnight. X
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5 January 2011

Peace and quiet

Just the 2nd day back into the work routine and I'm so tired. Darren is always up early as a builder, and I've not been dropping back off to sleep like I normally would.
Of course I lie in bed, resting, hoping I'll drop off to the land of nod again, but it doesn't happen. Not until my own alarm is sounding to make me get up. Then I could easily curl right back up and sleep immediately! :)

At silly o clock when Darren leaves. Everything is quiet. Its so peaceful.
Then while laying there you start to notice little sounds. The creaks and groans of the house. A couple of birds outside. Then as time goes on. Neighbours doors opening and closing. Heating coming on. Cars leaving the street. Slowly hearing the world wake up and come to life.

This morning, somewhere in the distance, before the noises of people waking and starting their days there was an alarm going off. It sounded like a car alarm, but it went on forever. Very feint, right on the edge of your hearing so you couldn't tell which direction it was coming from (as it happens I can never tell where noises are coming from. My spatial awareness must be terrible!)
As I was trying to get back to sleep this morning, that's all I could hear. And I am sure I was hearing it long after it finished, ingrained onto my brain.

I'd much rather it had been birdsong I'd woken to.

On another note. This morning I discovered that 2 shredded wheat (or other non brand wheat-y pillow things) with a sliced banana and a little milk/yogurt is a most enjoyable breakfast, but my goodness is it filling! I am stuffed. Now I really do wish I could curl up back in bed and sleep. :)

Happy Wednesday.x
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4 January 2011

Fruit bowl

Last night Darren went on some cleaning blitz in the kitchen. everything cleaned and tidied away. its fabulous.
I was reading my book and completely lost myself in it so I didnt even realise what he was doing.

In order to get the Kitchen how we'd ultimately want it, it'd need a full on overhaul. But right now. Just getting a fruit bowl would be great!
Have you ever looked for a fruit bowl though? I am obvioulsy too fussy, but now we promised ourselves we'd only buy things we love for the house its turning into one hell of a task.

I love, love, love this fruit bowl.
Of course, its by a Mexican designer, it won design awards back in 2008, and I cant find anything like it anywhere.
Of course, if I could find something like it, it'd probably cost waaaay too much and I would then have to sulk for days, weeks possibly even months or years!

If anyone happens to know somewhere that does a lovely bowl like it. in Red or White. Please let me know.
That'd be great. Thanks. :D

Happy Tuesday xx

3 January 2011

End of Xmas

Last day off work, and the tree and decorations came down today.

The living room looks so empty. And big!

Feeling a bit sad really, I'm not looking forward to going back to work tomorrow in the slightest.

But it has been a quite wonderfully enjoyable day. We had a little lay in. Then went to the gym for our first proper work out for a couple of weeks. I'm going to ache tomorrow! Then we ran a few errands and finished up with lunch out. Just at our local pub, but it wasn't planned and it was lovely.
Just me and Darren. We found a little table in the corner, with a big comfy bench along one side so I could curl my legs up next to me.
Darren had southern spiced chicken for a starter, I had prawns and salad. (Which were wonderful) then Darren had smokey cheese and bacon burger, which I presume was nice, he certainly ate it all! :) I treated myself to a steak with peppercorn sauce. Yummy.
We decided not to over stuff ourselves and missed out desert. Then came home to relax with a cup of tea on the sofa. Which is where we are now.

I'll get some clothes out, and my lunch sorted later to make the morning as easy as possible tomorrow. Plus we said we'd treat ourselves tomorrow after work and pop to see if there are any good books on offer at Asda! :) something to look forward to!

Hope you've all had good last days of the hols too.
Happy Monday. X
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1 January 2011

Happy New Year

We saw in the new year by eating Indian takeout, drinking coffee and playing Red Dead Redemption on the PS3, all while hiding under the quilt on the sofa.
Not the big night out we had planned, but it was nice all the same. I was curled up with my husband, so it can never be all bad!

The photo used in the pic above, is from about 3 years ago, and is just one that we happen to have on our fridge. Add about 20lbs, a red cold infused nose, and a few wrinkles and you'll get how I look today. :D

Happy New Year everyone. hope you all had wonderful evenings and that 2011 brings everything you wish for.