Which usually means an extra hour in bed. Hoorah.
Today however I was awake at 5.25am and I have not been able to drop off properly since.
I've been lying in bed doing that half awake/half asleep dreaming/day dreaming thing.
I dreamt I was able to get a little shop, where I'd sell handmade goods, beautiful pieces of clothing, and photography and art. Which is a fairly regular day dream. Now the sleepy brain has gone a bit bonkers elements... Kelly Osbourne was my rental agent, who arranged for Take That, in the middle of their huge tour to come and open my little shop.
Also, I did not get the keys, or find out I had the shop, until the day before opening, so the shop was empty, undecorated, etc.
Not sure what that all means apart from the fact people have been going on about Take That tickets so much it has engraved itself onto my brain!!
Did make me think a little about what I want however. And while a physical shop is perhaps a little beyond my reach. (Who knows though, maybe one day!) making some changes to get a career I actually enjoy and makes me happy is certainly paramount.
Also. Today is Halloween. later today (I am currently enjoying breakfast in bed) when the husband chap is home from footy we are going to visit my parents and sister. Eat some yummy birthday buffet food (belated celebrations for my Mum) and carve pumpkins. :)
Happy Halloween everyone
Jules x
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31 October 2010
28 October 2010
Feeling Frustrated
I am feeling a touch frustrated today.
I have just got back from a medical appointment to have my back checked (long story short, I had some bad luck in 2008, 2 car accidents in less than 3 months. The first, a lady pulled out of a side street into the front/side of my car. The second, a guy went into the back of me at a roundabout. The first is settled and over and done with. After the second I started experiencing some tingling and numbness in the right, middle of my back. I went for a medical and was told the nerves had been stretched out of my spine, and in time they would settle and go back. I still get numbness and tingling at times. normally after I have done too much or not enough & car journeys over 30/40minutes get very uncomfortable, So I was sent back fro another medical, to someone different this time!) He checked my spine, got me to do some stretches, asked me about the accident, which I have half forgotten, it was ages ago! and that was about it. I must have been in and out in under 20minutes for sure.
No idea if that will be my last check up, if my back will always be like this, Now I am out I am kicking myself for not asking, but I was just a bit flabbergasted and kinda felt a bit rushed I guess.
Hey ho.
Incredibly frustrated with the day job too, but I don't want today's post to just turn into one long moan-fest! :)
On the bright side. I did the online grocery shop today, and this weeks treats are Cheese Footballs, and Wagon Wheels. Yay! Happy Days!
Jules x
I have just got back from a medical appointment to have my back checked (long story short, I had some bad luck in 2008, 2 car accidents in less than 3 months. The first, a lady pulled out of a side street into the front/side of my car. The second, a guy went into the back of me at a roundabout. The first is settled and over and done with. After the second I started experiencing some tingling and numbness in the right, middle of my back. I went for a medical and was told the nerves had been stretched out of my spine, and in time they would settle and go back. I still get numbness and tingling at times. normally after I have done too much or not enough & car journeys over 30/40minutes get very uncomfortable, So I was sent back fro another medical, to someone different this time!) He checked my spine, got me to do some stretches, asked me about the accident, which I have half forgotten, it was ages ago! and that was about it. I must have been in and out in under 20minutes for sure.
No idea if that will be my last check up, if my back will always be like this, Now I am out I am kicking myself for not asking, but I was just a bit flabbergasted and kinda felt a bit rushed I guess.
Hey ho.
Incredibly frustrated with the day job too, but I don't want today's post to just turn into one long moan-fest! :)
On the bright side. I did the online grocery shop today, and this weeks treats are Cheese Footballs, and Wagon Wheels. Yay! Happy Days!
Jules x
27 October 2010
Tattoo Love
I am in the process of designing a new tattoo for myself.
It is of 2 koi fish, swimming upstream, and it is for my left inner forearm, when I get a tattoo design in my head it kinda starts to take over, buzzes about in my brain until I take pen to paper (or fiddle about on illustrator) and start to design myself something.
Hubby suggested last night that I really should carry a sketchpad and pencils round with me, so whenever I have tattoo ideas, painting ideas, photography ideas, anything really, I can sketch them out, and thus, not keep myself awake at night with all the ideas buzzing around my brain.
A good idea I think. So I may have to look at getting some sort of satchel for every day use. so I can keep my sketch pad and pencils along with my everyday handbag clutter and not end up in a complete mess. It kinda feels like I am regressing back to my college days, just without the Carter USM hair, and lack of nose ring. :)
Here is my preliminary sketch. in the very early stages as you can see! Just trying to work on sizing and spacing a bit first, adding in elements as I go along.
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Yes, I know it really is very very early stages, but I thought I might share this one, from first concept to possible finished tattoo. (it is entirely possible that I change my mind on the position/design of this tattoo as it progresses. if so then its just a pretty design that will sit on my blog for eternity! it may end up on my leg, another option I am considering. I have so many tattoo ideas its hard to decide where I want them all)
I started with doing research online of Koi tattoos, koi drawings, koi photographs, anything I could find really, and using these as a base, started to draw them on Illustrator. These are my first ones, and I think there will be some tweaking, and some hand drawing and sketching being done very soon. My last tattoo I designed almost entirely on Illustrator, well, I designed the line work and shading, again from inspiration I found online, and working around my original tattoo I had on my right arm. However, now it has come to adding back ground and colour, I'm finding myself kinda stumped. Hubby is taking pen and pencil to my arm this weekend to try out some backgrounds and colours, so I can finally get the half sleeve finished.
Anyway back to the Koi. I like to try and keep my tattoos quite feminine, I like them to flow, but not be too complicated. So found myself drawn to the images with more elaborate fins and tails, just toned down a bit form the uber elaborate frilliness. The star is on there for possible positioning on my arm, as I already have a star on my wrist. I'll update with pictures as the design progresses.
Happy Wednesday
Jules x
25 October 2010
Weekend Update
We bought a new sofa, in 'snow white'
I chose some wallpaper
I bought a hat with ears
& hubby came gym with us on Sunday as he had no footy match. I now ache from all the free weights I was cajoled into doing.
The end.
Happy Monday
I chose some wallpaper
I bought a hat with ears
& hubby came gym with us on Sunday as he had no footy match. I now ache from all the free weights I was cajoled into doing.
The end.
Happy Monday
What a morning!
Around 6.30am I was woken by a frantic knocking at the front door. I presumed Hubby had forgotten something, and he has bent his front door key so it does not work.
I go downstairs, and his keys are still there and his phone and the door is off the latch... so I go outside. car still there, no one to be seen, but I can here this high pitched beeping.
Next thing I know, Hubby and neighbour appear out the neighbours house and into ours.
It was her knocking on the door. Hubby had not yet left.
Their carbon monoxide alarm was going off. she was panicked and did not know what to do. Hubby said 'just get out and come to ours'
So I called the emergency line, who told us what to do, hubby went in and switched off the gas, all doors and windows open. I think I said at least 150times, dont touch any electrical switches.
Neighbours not allowed back in, her bloke comes home, so we are all sat in our living room at 6.45/7.00ish, me making teas and coffees waiting for the gas man to come. He didnt take too long, and he turned off all supply to the house. Now they have to sit in all day, no heating, windows open, waiting for another gas man to come and check their whole system. :(
What a wake up! Thank goodness they had an alarm though. I am ordering one for us today now.
Everyone get a carbon monoxide alarm. It could save your life!!!
I go downstairs, and his keys are still there and his phone and the door is off the latch... so I go outside. car still there, no one to be seen, but I can here this high pitched beeping.
Next thing I know, Hubby and neighbour appear out the neighbours house and into ours.
It was her knocking on the door. Hubby had not yet left.
Their carbon monoxide alarm was going off. she was panicked and did not know what to do. Hubby said 'just get out and come to ours'
So I called the emergency line, who told us what to do, hubby went in and switched off the gas, all doors and windows open. I think I said at least 150times, dont touch any electrical switches.
Neighbours not allowed back in, her bloke comes home, so we are all sat in our living room at 6.45/7.00ish, me making teas and coffees waiting for the gas man to come. He didnt take too long, and he turned off all supply to the house. Now they have to sit in all day, no heating, windows open, waiting for another gas man to come and check their whole system. :(
What a wake up! Thank goodness they had an alarm though. I am ordering one for us today now.
Everyone get a carbon monoxide alarm. It could save your life!!!
21 October 2010
Where did Autumn go??
The leaves are still green, but it feels like Winter its that chilly.
So where did Autumn go?
The past 2 days my car has needed scraping before I could go anywhere, and I am dressing not too unlike an Eskimo.
But the leaves are only just yellowing, and I know its still October.
Hopefully the cold snap will finish soon, and we can get back to some proper Autumn. Ooh. just remembered, on a whim I ordered a pumpkin with our grocery shop! That'll arrive tomorrow. lovely.
Just need to decide how to carve it. traditionally scary, or something cuter, or more fun? Hopefully I cansteal borrow Dads Dremmel thing to carve it, that will make things much easier, and reduce the risk of severed fingers. (always a good thing I think)
On another note. I am considering jacking in this Weight Watchers business.
I rejoined meetings 6months ago. and with all my ups and downs I am basically the same weight. What a waste of money!
I dunno. I don't think my head is in the right place at the moment, and all this counting points. I'm sick to the back teeth of it.
Some time out from 'dieting' (and not wasting money) is I think what is needed at the moment. And perhaps just concentrate on eating healthily and being more active, pushing it a bit more at the gym, is more where my head is at.
We shall see. I shall discuss it with Husband Chap tonight, after all he's the one who has to hear me complaining about my clothes not fitting me/I don't like my clothes/I hate how I look... and so on! :)
I am sure a lot of you know what I mean! :)
Learn to love yourself. Thats the important thing!!
Anyway. Happy Thursday everyone
Jules x
So where did Autumn go?
The past 2 days my car has needed scraping before I could go anywhere, and I am dressing not too unlike an Eskimo.
But the leaves are only just yellowing, and I know its still October.
Hopefully the cold snap will finish soon, and we can get back to some proper Autumn. Ooh. just remembered, on a whim I ordered a pumpkin with our grocery shop! That'll arrive tomorrow. lovely.
Just need to decide how to carve it. traditionally scary, or something cuter, or more fun? Hopefully I can
On another note. I am considering jacking in this Weight Watchers business.
I rejoined meetings 6months ago. and with all my ups and downs I am basically the same weight. What a waste of money!
I dunno. I don't think my head is in the right place at the moment, and all this counting points. I'm sick to the back teeth of it.
Some time out from 'dieting' (and not wasting money) is I think what is needed at the moment. And perhaps just concentrate on eating healthily and being more active, pushing it a bit more at the gym, is more where my head is at.
We shall see. I shall discuss it with Husband Chap tonight, after all he's the one who has to hear me complaining about my clothes not fitting me/I don't like my clothes/I hate how I look... and so on! :)
I am sure a lot of you know what I mean! :)
Learn to love yourself. Thats the important thing!!
Anyway. Happy Thursday everyone
Jules x
20 October 2010
The Fringe Chronicles
OK. I *know* I am an idiot, and that I am changing the name of this blog practically daily.
My theory is, I am bound to hit on one that just feels right and sticks. Until that day arrives, please just try and just bear with me! I'll try and stop being indecisive I promise.
The new name, well its inspired by my fringe.
My new fringe which I had cut in at the weekend.... here it is.
Not the best picture granted, snapped on my blackberry on Saturday, not long after getting it cut. Kinda looks like an old mans combover. Its better now its more used to being in that parting.
My history with fringes goes something like: Think fringes are cool - Get fringe cut - get annoyed with fringe - grow fringe out - think fringes are cool - get fringe cut - get annoyed with fringe - grow fringe out - think fringes are cool... you get the idea!
Its been a cycle for at least the last 5 years, probably longer. But I do like the fringes. They look cool (IMO) and I think they are way more interesting to non-fringness.
So this time I thought, try a sweepy fringe. get used to it and go from there. its driving me bonkers. its catching on my eyelashes, its tickling my eyebrows... argh!
BUT, I do like it. I think it makes me look younger, which if course I can only see as being a good thing. ;)
So I am going to persevere... and possibly get a blunt fringe cut in instead! haha.
I'll share photos with whatever I finally decide to do! :D
Happy Wednesday
Jules x
My theory is, I am bound to hit on one that just feels right and sticks. Until that day arrives, please just try and just bear with me! I'll try and stop being indecisive I promise.
The new name, well its inspired by my fringe.
My new fringe which I had cut in at the weekend.... here it is.
Not the best picture granted, snapped on my blackberry on Saturday, not long after getting it cut. Kinda looks like an old mans combover. Its better now its more used to being in that parting.
My history with fringes goes something like: Think fringes are cool - Get fringe cut - get annoyed with fringe - grow fringe out - think fringes are cool - get fringe cut - get annoyed with fringe - grow fringe out - think fringes are cool... you get the idea!
Its been a cycle for at least the last 5 years, probably longer. But I do like the fringes. They look cool (IMO) and I think they are way more interesting to non-fringness.
So this time I thought, try a sweepy fringe. get used to it and go from there. its driving me bonkers. its catching on my eyelashes, its tickling my eyebrows... argh!
BUT, I do like it. I think it makes me look younger, which if course I can only see as being a good thing. ;)
So I am going to persevere... and possibly get a blunt fringe cut in instead! haha.
I'll share photos with whatever I finally decide to do! :D
Happy Wednesday
Jules x
18 October 2010
We are home
Our week in Malta was nice and relaxing, and was just what we needed. We have a few photos.
As usual I only took my point and shoot because my 'proper' camera is so heavy, and as usual I kicked myself repeatedly throughout the holiday, as there were many beautiful photo opportunities.
I will learn, one day, to take my camera and I will come home with some beautiful photographs. I'll share my point and shoot snapshots sometime soon.
Since being home (friday) we have thrown ourselves into doing up the bedroom. its a work in progress, but I can see the improvements already and its bliss. Again, I'll share photos soon.
Jules x
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As usual I only took my point and shoot because my 'proper' camera is so heavy, and as usual I kicked myself repeatedly throughout the holiday, as there were many beautiful photo opportunities.
I will learn, one day, to take my camera and I will come home with some beautiful photographs. I'll share my point and shoot snapshots sometime soon.
Since being home (friday) we have thrown ourselves into doing up the bedroom. its a work in progress, but I can see the improvements already and its bliss. Again, I'll share photos soon.
Jules x
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6 October 2010
letting it all go
I woke up this morning feeling much much better than I have been the past few days.
It was nice to walk up and feel happier again.
Everyone is going to have down days, it is inevitable, especially when you get bad news, but I am not going to get dragged down by it. The tough times are there to make us stronger.
So this morning I have been thinking about my goals. Some are small, some are big. But I have not really set a time scale on any of them. Not properly (apart from these ones) perhaps this is something I need to do.
So my list.... in short.
*To Create a relaxing happy home - as soon as possible. realistically. This will be at least a year long project. By Xmas 2011 would be nice
*To be at my goal weight - as mentioned before, March/April is realistic.
*To have great clothes and hair - so shallow I know! hehe. I am booked in for a new hair cut and restyle the weekend I am back from hols, the clothes, well I'll need a load more when I get to goal. so that'll have to wait until then!
*To sell my photos drawings and paintings online - I am the only things standing in my own way here. I just need to stop messing and dreaming, and just do it! So I am setting a goal date of Jan 2011.
*To be a Mum - I can't really put a time limit on this, nature will kinda take over and have its own say in the matter. but by the time I am 35. please by the time I am 35! ;)
*To have doggies - I yearn for a dog, or two. Thankfully hubby does too. if things go as we would like, we could be doggy owners by June 2011! yay.
*to get my tattoos finished - an ongoing task, as soon as I have some done, I want more... not sure this 'goal' will ever be complete.
So some major, some minor. The main ones are to get our home just how we want it. and for me to try and make some sort of a living from the things I create/make.
and those are the ones we shall focus on fully, and wholeheartedly.
Happy Wednesday.
Jules x
ps. I fly to Malta tomorrow, ohh for some warm weather, bliss. See you when I get home. xx
It was nice to walk up and feel happier again.
Everyone is going to have down days, it is inevitable, especially when you get bad news, but I am not going to get dragged down by it. The tough times are there to make us stronger.
So this morning I have been thinking about my goals. Some are small, some are big. But I have not really set a time scale on any of them. Not properly (apart from these ones) perhaps this is something I need to do.
So my list.... in short.
*To Create a relaxing happy home - as soon as possible. realistically. This will be at least a year long project. By Xmas 2011 would be nice
*To be at my goal weight - as mentioned before, March/April is realistic.
*To have great clothes and hair - so shallow I know! hehe. I am booked in for a new hair cut and restyle the weekend I am back from hols, the clothes, well I'll need a load more when I get to goal. so that'll have to wait until then!
*To sell my photos drawings and paintings online - I am the only things standing in my own way here. I just need to stop messing and dreaming, and just do it! So I am setting a goal date of Jan 2011.
*To be a Mum - I can't really put a time limit on this, nature will kinda take over and have its own say in the matter. but by the time I am 35. please by the time I am 35! ;)
*To have doggies - I yearn for a dog, or two. Thankfully hubby does too. if things go as we would like, we could be doggy owners by June 2011! yay.
*to get my tattoos finished - an ongoing task, as soon as I have some done, I want more... not sure this 'goal' will ever be complete.
So some major, some minor. The main ones are to get our home just how we want it. and for me to try and make some sort of a living from the things I create/make.
and those are the ones we shall focus on fully, and wholeheartedly.
Happy Wednesday.
Jules x
ps. I fly to Malta tomorrow, ohh for some warm weather, bliss. See you when I get home. xx
5 October 2010
I ate a chocolate...
4 October 2010
You look like a little Pixie.
Thats what I was told by the girl I work with today :)
We had quite a busy weekend, with super high highs, and super low lows.
Along with our general weekend events, we were trying to wash and pack as much as possible, the dismal weather did not aid this task, and we still look like we are living in a tent, with things hanging everywhere possible to try and get things dried.
Our super high, was visiting our friends new 4 day old baby. 4 days!!! He was teeny tiny. Just 6.5lbs and completely adorable. He was wearing a little blue babygro, with little brown Mooses all over it, and he was so small, his hands disappeared up the sleeves. We had lots of cuddles, and hubby fed and burped him, after which he feel blissfully to sleep on his arm. Lovely... lovely while we were there anyway, his Mum and Dad only had 3hrs rest the night before!
Our Super low, My super low, was waking on Sunday morning to the news my auntie had passed away. She had taken ill while we were on honeymoon, and was taken to hospital. she hadn't been home since. She was in a hospice as she had been diagnosed with cancer. a brain tumour. and it doesnt matter if you know its coming. when it happens your never really prepared for it.
She was my Dads eldest Sister, and was a wonderful fun happy person. I remember when I got my first tattoo, Dad wasn't pleased with me, and most other adults tutted and shook their heads at me (I was 18) she laughed, said she loved it and admitted she was thinking of getting one done but thought she was too old. She always wrote the absolute best letters too.
Anyway. From Super high, to Super low in a matter of hours.
Cancer has taken so many people that I know and love. Its a horrible horrible thing. We donate monthly to Cancer Research UK. But I think we may do a charity event next year. Something major to raise money.
Not sure what yet, so any suggestions would be much appreciated.
Jules x
I am wearing black leggins. Black furry lined boots. A green and black striped jumper. and a very old, faded black elastic waist skirt that I brought from Zara, approximately 10 years ago.
I think this, as its quite poofy, along with the Green striped jumper are giving me the air of pixiness today.
I wish I felt like a pixie. I can imagine they are quite joyous and sprightly. But to be honest, this was a completely thrown on outfit this morning, as I had to literally force myself out of bed, and the majority of my clothes are either packed for holiday, or are in the basket for washing. oops. not very well planned.
We had quite a busy weekend, with super high highs, and super low lows.
Along with our general weekend events, we were trying to wash and pack as much as possible, the dismal weather did not aid this task, and we still look like we are living in a tent, with things hanging everywhere possible to try and get things dried.
Our super high, was visiting our friends new 4 day old baby. 4 days!!! He was teeny tiny. Just 6.5lbs and completely adorable. He was wearing a little blue babygro, with little brown Mooses all over it, and he was so small, his hands disappeared up the sleeves. We had lots of cuddles, and hubby fed and burped him, after which he feel blissfully to sleep on his arm. Lovely... lovely while we were there anyway, his Mum and Dad only had 3hrs rest the night before!
Our Super low, My super low, was waking on Sunday morning to the news my auntie had passed away. She had taken ill while we were on honeymoon, and was taken to hospital. she hadn't been home since. She was in a hospice as she had been diagnosed with cancer. a brain tumour. and it doesnt matter if you know its coming. when it happens your never really prepared for it.
She was my Dads eldest Sister, and was a wonderful fun happy person. I remember when I got my first tattoo, Dad wasn't pleased with me, and most other adults tutted and shook their heads at me (I was 18) she laughed, said she loved it and admitted she was thinking of getting one done but thought she was too old. She always wrote the absolute best letters too.
Anyway. From Super high, to Super low in a matter of hours.
Cancer has taken so many people that I know and love. Its a horrible horrible thing. We donate monthly to Cancer Research UK. But I think we may do a charity event next year. Something major to raise money.
Not sure what yet, so any suggestions would be much appreciated.
Jules x
1 October 2010
I have a list of things ...
I have a little list if things that I would like to accomplish before our first anniversary on June 5th next year.
1: I'd like to be at my goal weight
This kinda goes without saying... Really, I guess I want to be at my goal weight and maintaining successfully.
2: I'd like our house to be finished... or as close as possible to being finished.
Now this, while it is us that need to do the work, is pretty much entirely money dependant. and the problem we may have with this is that I seem to more and more frequently be channelling my inner Veruca Salt
I know we could do things 'on the cheap' but why should we?? I want nice things!!.... an example. Slippers.
At the moment I *love* these. £20 from Monsoon/Accessorize.
Anyway, back to my list.
The doing the house up, also includes having the conservatory built, and the garden in some sort of habitable state. I am sure there must be wild animals living out there at the moment.
3. Have my work/home life balance sorted
or more sorted than it is now anyway. I'd like to be doing a few less hours at the day job. Thus freeing my time to do household style chores, spend more time on my painting and photography, and free up more time for me and Darren to enjoy our weekends and evenings together.
I'd also like to be selling, or trying to sell, some of the photographs and paintings I produce. At the moment I have a hard time believing anyone would want to part with their hard earned cash for something I have created. But the hope is that extra time to spend on this, will help me refine my style and create things that not only I love, but that other people will love too.
4: This isn't really a goal as such, but I always loved printing at college and my mind always wanders over the the print side of things when I find myself daydreaming about my artwork. If possible I would like to try and work some print into my artwork. I love painting and photography, but the thought of print and what I could create really gets my heart a flutter!
Happy Friday everyone.
Veruca Jules x
1: I'd like to be at my goal weight
This kinda goes without saying... Really, I guess I want to be at my goal weight and maintaining successfully.
2: I'd like our house to be finished... or as close as possible to being finished.
Now this, while it is us that need to do the work, is pretty much entirely money dependant. and the problem we may have with this is that I seem to more and more frequently be channelling my inner Veruca Salt
*I want a party with roomfuls of laughter, / Ten thousand tons of ice cream, / And if I don't get the things I am after, / I'm going to screeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEAM*
At the moment I *love* these. £20 from Monsoon/Accessorize.
Now, £20 is not a great deal of money I know, but for a pair of slippers! that my husband will see me in!?... especially when there are these readily available, at a shop that is more local to us, and are half the price.
But I don't want them! I am sure they are lovely and cosy and wonderful. But *I want* the accessorize ones!Anyway, back to my list.
The doing the house up, also includes having the conservatory built, and the garden in some sort of habitable state. I am sure there must be wild animals living out there at the moment.
3. Have my work/home life balance sorted
or more sorted than it is now anyway. I'd like to be doing a few less hours at the day job. Thus freeing my time to do household style chores, spend more time on my painting and photography, and free up more time for me and Darren to enjoy our weekends and evenings together.
I'd also like to be selling, or trying to sell, some of the photographs and paintings I produce. At the moment I have a hard time believing anyone would want to part with their hard earned cash for something I have created. But the hope is that extra time to spend on this, will help me refine my style and create things that not only I love, but that other people will love too.
4: This isn't really a goal as such, but I always loved printing at college and my mind always wanders over the the print side of things when I find myself daydreaming about my artwork. If possible I would like to try and work some print into my artwork. I love painting and photography, but the thought of print and what I could create really gets my heart a flutter!
Happy Friday everyone.
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